Thursday, February 22, 2007

"Guess Who's Coming Out Of Joy?" - Season 2

Earl watches a heavily pregnant Joy sitting at the bar talking to Darnell. The image of his ex-girlfriend sparks a memory about an old lamp he has yet to finish. Earl recounts Joy's first pregnancy "from another man" and the difficulties involved with the "stress of parenthood." Due to the baby's constant crying, Earl gives Joy some space.

Getting away from the stress of family, Joy hits the bar and gets drunk on margaritas. She ends up in Darnell's truck having sex. Earl remains unaware of the affair and even walks in on the couple when they're in bed together. He discovers a "long, black hair," but thinks it is one of his own. Earl recalls the ensuing "stress of adultery" that Joy feels. Tired of living a double life, Joy breaks up with Darnell.

Joy returns to Earl and they become an "all-American family" again. At the bar one night, Earl shows Randy his stray black hair. Meanwhile, Joy announces her impending pregnancy to Earl. Unfortunately, Joy realizes that the chances of the baby being Earl's are 50/50. At a doctor's appointment, they discover the child is a boy and Earl is overjoyed to see "the Hickey blood live on." A nervous Joy asks the doctor if they can guess the unborn child's color.

Earl's parents celebrate the news of their new grandson. Joy gives birth and a shocked Earl tells Joy that "he's black!" Joy confides unconvincingly that it's most probably a "repressed black gene," but a discussion with the doctor confirms that Joy has definitely slept with "a black fella." Earl's parents arrive at the hospital wearing tee-shirts that announce them as Number One Grandparents. When they discover their grandson is black, their happiness is crushed.

A distraught Earl hits the bar and tells Randy, "I'm a clown!" He says that the "real daddy" can take care of Joy's kids, because he's done. He returns to Joy's trailer to "pack up all the good stuff" and trash the rest. Meanwhile, Randy tells a nervous Darnell about the predicament. Homeless, Earl crashes at his parents' house. His room is exactly the same way he left it - complete with gay gerbils, Lenny and Squiggy.

Earl's father lectures his son about responsibilities and becoming a father to his kids. He tells Earl that his life has been a series of incomplete projects, like the unfinished lamp that is "a stump with a shade!." Earl listens to the sermon and rejects his father's advice. His father tells him, "Go take care of your family!"

A horrified Earl watches his father threaten him with his gerbils. In Earl's bedroom window he holds up the gerbils to his scared son. On the lawn, Earl rescues the gerbils as his father abandons them. In an effort to save the gerbils, Earl returns home to his marriage and sons.

Though Earl's not the best dad, he's a dad nonetheless. Eventually, Joy falls back into the arms of Darnell, but Earl's okay with it. Joy and Darnell get married, but Earl remains a father to the kids. A proud Earl returns the finished lamp to his father with a cord. Earl's mother admires the lamp and as Earl's father reaches to switch the lamp off, he is electrocuted.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

"The Birthday Party" - Season 2

It's Earl's birthday and time for Earl to celebrate and reflect on his life. Randy throws him a party and gives him a half-priced cake. He reminds Earl about a previous time when he tortured Randy with "Jackass" style stunts. Earl's mother reminds her son how he once used her living room as a toilet. Earl reminds everyone it's time to focus on "good" Earl.

The bad memories continue to pour in and Earl cringes about the "Bad Earl" days, like getting Darnell busted for selling brownies with no pot in them. In an effort to "make nice," he hands the Karaoke mic to a resentful friend, who sings a bad version of Pat Benatar's "Heartbreaker" entitled "Fern Breaker."

Joy reminds Earl of a painful memory - A pregnant Joy, disturbed that the trailer park's resident peeping tom is ignoring her, asks Earl to help her. The pervert is actually Earl, on an undercover mission to find a big screen television. Despite Joy's announcements each evening that she is having sex, the trailer park pervert continues to ignore her. Earl suggests that they "bring another girl in." He pays his friend Johnny to creep out the neighborhood.

Joy catches the peeping tom and the neighborhood women beat him up. One of them hits him over the head, saying "That's for peeping me before I was done with Jenny Craig!" At his birthday, Earl confesses to Joy that he was only trying to make her feel better. She reminds him about all his terrible pregnant jokes when she was in a sensitive predicament - having another man's child.

Randy recounts some of his and Earl's bad one-night stands, including one with a woman, "Dee Dee," who leaves her prosthetic leg lying on Earl in bed. To compensate for the experience, he steals her wallet and beats her with the detached leg. As he drives off, she fires a shotgun at a freaked-out Earl.

At his birthday, Earl's dad gives an impassioned speech, but it's just another reflection of a bad memory. As a child, Earl dopes up his dad with his friend Eric's mom's pills [Melody Thomas Scott], and his father becomes the laughing stock of a party. By embarrassing his wife, Earl's dad is confined to the couch for weeks - which is when his back problems begin.

Surrounded by bad memories, Earl's birthday celebration is a flat-out bust. Walking home from the bar, he comes face-to-face with a menacing Dee Dee, the one-legged woman with a chip on her shoulder. She chases Earl home to a big surprise party - Randy's idea. His dad wishes him a "Happy Birthday." Each family member picks an item and, as a gift, crosses it off Earls list.

As Darnell presents him with a cake, Dee Dee, the one-legged lady, hammers on the door. He wishes her to go away and she finally leaves. The party begins and Earl finally gets drunk enough to wow the room with his "breaking."

Thursday, February 8, 2007

"Blow" - Season 2

Joy approaches Randy and Earl in the bar. She tells them about a meeting with her deaf lawyer. Her lawyer has just dropped a bombshell: It seems Joy has a half-sister, the result of her father's multiple - multi-racial - extra-marital affairs. Shocked, Joy tells Earl her half-sister is Liberty Washington, a sworn enemy since kindergarten.

Earl recalls Joy and Liberty's difficult past relationship, which has grown worse over the years. He remembers how he and Joy stole Liberty's credit card once, and went on a shopping spree - even paying for a homeless man's laser eye surgery. Ashamed, Earl writes up this event on his karma list - Stole a girl's identity.

To make up for stealing her identity, Earl and Randy pay a visit to Liberty's house. Liberty has known since childhood that she is Joy's half-sister. Earl learns Liberty is the star of a Camden County's women wrestling team. To make her act more controversial, she pays her neighbor to dress up as a Klan member named Klanimal. She also shares double billing with her husband Ray Ray, who plays her badly-beaten manager.

An overjoyed Randy replaces Ray Ray as Liberty's partner-in-crime. Joy tries to find ways to make herself more sympathetic to the jury. She decides that "getting impregnated" will help her from getting "incarcerated." Darnell doesn't want another child. Frustrated, Joy tells Earl she needs to "get knocked up," but he declines the invitation. She asks Randy but to no avail.

Ray Ray tells Liberty he wants a child, but Liberty insists she must continue to pursue her wrestling dreams. As Earl watches on, he realizes how he can help them. He wonders how he can convince the half-sisters to have a baby together. He explains the difficult surrogacy process to an excited Ray Ray and Liberty and Joy and Darnell. Meanwhile, a fawning Catalina is still head over heels in love with Randy.

When Earl reveals the pairing to the interested parties, he is met with angry resistance. "I'd rather have a pitbull stick a litter of puppies in me than carry this woman's demon child!" says Joy. Liberty retaliates with, "That pitbull would have to be pretty drunk to knock you up!"

Earl takes his seat at the wrestling show. Lady Liberty appears alongside Randy. Unfortunately, Randy doesn't take well to the crowd's jeers and jibes and is booed off the stage. The Klanimal appears, but in a surprise twist, it's Joy. The pair fight viciously and Liberty confides to Joy how much she resented not having a dad.

Although Joy loses the violent wrestling match, she feels sorry for her deprived half-sister and they become fast friends. Liberty is offered a lucrative wrestling title and becomes a "black lady of wrestling." Overjoyed, the sisters decide to make up and have each other's child.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

"Foreign Exchange Student" - Season 2

Earl and Randy spit on envelopes as they prepare a letter they're sending to France. The letter is actually Number 44 on Earl's list - Picked on a foreign exchange student. We flashback to Earl's school days when Pierre is introduced to his classmates. "Commie!" cries young Earl as he throws an apple at his head. The French student retaliates by making fun of Earl and his wrong answers.

Earl walks down memory lane with a disturbing insight. He remembers that he actually forced Pierre out of school, beating him up and telling him, "Go back where you came from!" To redeem himself, Earl sends Pierre a plane ticket asking to "give America another try" and sends a picture of himself. Two weeks later, Pierre sends word he's coming to visit. Meanwhile, an apprehensive Randy prepares to move in with his new "greencard wife," Catalina.

Randy has a dilemma - he's unsure of his and Catalina's living arrangements. Does he just move his stuff in to create the illusion of marriage, or does he have sex with her? The question makes him giggle and he is unable to ask. Earl hangs an American welcome flag in anticipation of Pierre's visit to the United States.

Pierre arrives and promptly gives Earl a sharp headbutt before announcing he is ready to leave. Earl begs him to stay a few days to "show him what's great about America!" Pierre refuses and Earl steals his passport. Pierre tells Earl his new passport will take a few weeks so he stays. Earl checks the Frenchman into a dumpy, local hotel.

Enthusiastic to show Pierre his America, Earl begins his grand tour of Camden County. "It's like taking a trip around the world!" he enthuses as he drags Pierre from the county's largest freeway pile-up to a local art yard sale. Unimpressed, Pierre follows him around, bored. Earl's friends outline their patriotism for America - Big-ass malls, the homo parade, women shave their armpits! - But he's still not interested. Only one woman captures his attention: Catalina.

Randy is not happy with the attention Pierre lavishes on Catalina. He complains to Earl that he's hitting on her but Earl's distracted - he's too busy playing belly games. During a bathroom break, Randy grabs Pierre and the frightened Frenchman runs away. Earl consoles Randy and tells him that he needs to remedy his situation with his hot wife. She doesn't know that Randy loves her and it's time, Earl believes, for Randy to tell her.

Randy confesses his love, but Catalina tells Earl she's confused and not in love with her new husband. She just didn't want to humiliate him in front of everyone at the bar. Earl goes to look for Pierre, but Pierre's not taking calls. The next morning Catalina tells Earl that Joy provided her with some good counsel. She's going to make herself as unattractive as possible and have such disgusting sex with Randy that he'll never want to sleep with her again.

Giggling, Randy enters his and Catalina's apartment, ready to consummate their relationship. Earl confronts Pierre who is finally ready to confess the reason for his original travel to America. It turns out that Pierre remembers his schooldays in America as a lady's man. Back then, all he wanted was to make out with a few hot American chicks - and his make-out session was thwarted by his return to France. Seizing the opportunity to remedy his karma, Earl takes Pierre on one more tour.

After a day spent kissing Camden's most beautiful women, Earl and Pierre make peace before Pierre's departure for France. Meanwhile, Catalina is busy making herself as disgusting as possible. She grows armpit hair, wipes fish over her naked body and jogs until she sweats profusely. That night, the pair make love but there's something she hasn't counted on. Over the course of their lovemaking, she's fallen in love with Randy. Grossed out, Randy tells her that he was just trying not to barf. Ignoring Catalina's cries, he tells her that this is just a greencard marriage.